Friday, August 31, 2018

Annual Pouch

As luck has it there's a client who keeps coming back to buy a pouch every year.  They spend a lot of time backpacking and taking photos so all these pouches probably wind up carrying cameras and other equipment.  This year's pouch was a bit larger than normal so we doubled up on the snaps.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Dice Cup, Witcher

Everytime I played Witcher 3 I thought about doing this but didn't get around to it.  Apparently at least one client had the same idea though and I'm quite glad I had the opportunity to work this one out.  I'm hoping to add it to the shop later this season.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Giant sack of Coins

This order wound up totally 1500 coins and that turns out to probably be the max I can practically fit into one of my boxes.  Took a big bag to hold all those coins!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

We're back!

It's been a hair over two weeks and I'm back up and running!  I've been able to ship a couple small orders already and I'm hoping to clear the rest of the docket over the next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile I have a shiny new workshop.  In the old place my work space was split across two rooms but here I've been able to pack it all into one big room.  I'm still working on lighting but the giant window keeps the place pretty bright during the day so it's not an imminent concern.  I'm sure I'll juggle things around on the pegboard too.  For now I'm just happy everything fits in one place and I can keep my stock in a nice safe closet.

I took the opportunity to build a new photo booth from scratch to replace the old backdrop.  The backdrop wasn't a bad idea and I liked how it looked but it clearly wasn't meant for close-up photography and it hasn't weathered all that well.  These whitewashed boards on the other hand should weather very well!  Shouldn't be long before I can start posting products on it.