Sunday, September 30, 2018

Map, Sayville

Sayville's a tiny town not far from NYC and the scale made it a little tricky.  I couldn't decide if I should try cutting all the little buildings too.  In hindsight I'm glad I didn't because I think it would've cluttered the map up.  This is one of the first maps where I'm trying a new style of frame out and I think it's working out pretty grand!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Map, Summit County

This map was atypical because of the angle.  Instead of a top-down, topographical style of map the client had commissioned a cartographer to make a 3/4 degree map of the mountains in Summit County, CO.  It was an interesting challenge translating that onto the leather but once the design was there it was just a matter of making sure every line got cut with the right pressure.  I used some blending and shading to bring the mountains out a bit more while I was staining.  The pictures came out well but it looks even better in person!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Map, Farmhouse

The client was looking for a map of the area immediately around the new farmhouse they'd just moved into.  Because the scale was so small I used a wide seeder to mark the trees of the forest and used the bargrounder (that I'd normally use for forests) for a small, orderly orchard next to the farmhouse.  Turned out pretty great!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Original Coins and Ingots

This client had purchased a bunch of coins back when I was using my original models and they were looking to expand their treasury.  Fortunately I still had the original files and they didn't need any of the coins I couldn't get filament for any longer.

While their new coins were still printing they put in another order for some ingots to represent even larger denominations.  They'd originally meant just some simple bricks but I'd wanted to add some feet so they'd stack/click together (kinda like lego) and the client suggested a hole in the center so they could be strung up with the coins.  I think we made a pretty new model and I'll be adding it to the store later this season.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

More Spellbooks!

I've been getting a fair few orders for spellbooks.  I probably won't make a blurb for every little variation but these were the first photos I could take on my new photo booth and I'm quite pleased with them.

One noteable variation was a commission to make a necromancy-style spellbook.  We wound up making a skull-applique and putting the label in the mouth.  It came out pretty cool!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Coasters & Dice Cups

I had a couple large orders for dice cups and/or coasters recently.  Great opportunities to get new photos on the new booth!