Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tags overhauled

I've just finished overhauling the tags for the +75 blurbs on the blog here so that they'll hopefully be more useful.  When I first started the blog last summer I wasn't entirely sure how it might best be useful.  Since then I've realized that it's a fairly good way of cataloging and comparing different options for prospective clients.  To better support that objective I've replaced the "willy-nilly" tags with a more codified system.  Every project now has at least one tag for color (black, nickel, etc), materials (usually abbreviated like Lthr-SO for Stoned Oil Leather), and category (Belt, Braid, Pouch, etc).  This will best be used in conjunction with a Materials page that I intend to write as soon as I've got good weather for some photography.  I know it'll make things easier for me to reference and share and I'm hoping the same will be true for everyone else.

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