Sunday, May 3, 2015

Gilgal Country Round

I do enjoy some pyrography from time to time and it's been ages since I last picked up my "burny pen".  Almost a year even, since I made the Derpy Dragon.  In a couple of days my wife and I are flying to Europe for a big vacation.  We'll be visiting some family friends in Britain, Wales, and the Netherlands before swinging through my old stomping grounds in Germany.  It's going to be a whirlwind of a trip and we've been looking forward to it.  One of the places we'll be visiting is a tiny church in Wales where some of her ancestors are buried.  It's in a remote location and there's a whole story about how it'd been lost until her Grandmother found it some decades ago and now it's been renovated and repaired as a family center. 

They hold a tea party there every summer now and it's a big shindig.  I figured the least I could do was contribute a little country round of the place.  My mother-in-law was nice enough to provide a good photo that I was able to transfer onto the linden and bingo-bango.  The tung oil finish should finish curing just as we're packing so we should be good to go!

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