Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Weekly Batch

I'm almost halfway through the week and this is about typical of my usual output.  Since Sunday I've been working on two shoulderstraps and a pouch and now they're all ready to head out.  The pouch is a standard spaceman but the shoulderstraps are a little neat.  One of them has a monogram which I honestly haven't figured out for myself.  The other is destined to carry a fellow's custom case of Marvel Legendary cards.  I'm sure ya'll can guess which is which. =)

I've got another shoulderstrap or two to crank out this week and I'm chatting with clients about a couple of interesting projects.  In the meantime, the Missus and I have picked up our tickets to PAX South 2016 and now we just have to figure out what we want to cosplay as...

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