Monday, December 14, 2015

Holiday Busy-ness

I remember about this time last year I was really worried I wouldn't be able to get all my orders done in time to get them in the mail.  It turned out one of those orders was delayed anyway (nobody's fault, just the random risk of international shipping) but mostly I was making large, complicated orders.  This year I've had a bevy of smaller, relatively simpler orders and even a few of the prototypes or OoAK (Etsy speak for art bits that aren't duplicated, they're One of A Kind) that have sold.  I last week churning through one shoulder strap (or the occasional purse strap) after another.  The ol' workbench was pretty constantly full of parts.

Most of those orders went out last week though there were one or two that held on till this week (like the belt set).  I'm happy to say that as of this moment, all my Not-In-Driving-Distance orders are on their way! \o/

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