Monday, March 7, 2016

Yin-Yang Dragon Toolbox

I rather liked this order since it's a gift a group of players were picking up for their DM.  So far as I can tell it was just happenstance than the order came in smack after the preceding Toolbox.  I'd figured I could get them both done at the same time but unfortunately that just resulted in a few days of delays.  On top of that, the cardstock wouldn't take a stain for hide or hair.  36 hours soaking in coffee, tea, and casing water (loaded with tannins) and it came out just about as white as it went in.  And then I ran out of chicago screws (they hold the hinges to the structure) so I had to wait for those to be restocked.  That shipment came this afternoon so I was able to get the box finished up and on its way!

For all that the emblem worked rather well.  It's an adaptation of an image the client provided and it works rather well with the resisting.  I figured I'd stick with the black-light grey theme with the foam lining and I'm fairly pleased with how it's come out.

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