Saturday, April 2, 2016

We're Moving!

This is something that we've been building towards since late last year but sometime soon, probably in the next couple of weeks, my Wife and I will be moving out of the one bedroom apartment that's been our home for the past four years.  We'll be moving into the ground floor of a house that her parents just purchased in January that's really just a few blocks from our apartment.  It's one of those good situations that you didn't really see coming so it surprised everyone involved when it fell out of the sky.  I'm sure ya'll know what I'm talking about.

This will mean a few things for the shop.  In the short term it means production is going to slow down between April-May.  I normally balance my time between personal and professional endeavors but there's a lot of work to be done to get us settled into the new place.  I'll still be available to take orders and answer questions during the whole process but delivery times are going to be a bit longer than they normally might.  And the more complicated builds (toolboxes, messenger bags, etc) might be delayed until after the move is finished but I'll be handling that on a case-by-case basis.

The upside for the shop is that when the dust finally settles (though there's no telling when that'll be) I'll finally have a proper workshop to house Foster Leathercraft.  To date the shop has "lived" in our living and dining rooms and, while I've found ways to make that work, having a separate space for my work is probably my most anticipated about the whole move.  I probably won't post (or twitter) much about the move in general but you can expect more news about the workshop once it's imminent. 

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