Thursday, June 23, 2016

Personal Projects

These don't really have anything to do with the shop but they've been part of home we've been building up here.

Towel Rack
Our small bathroom came with a towel rack that might have been reasonably mistaken for a paper towel holder.  Missus found it sufficiently a nuisance to come up with this replacement.  We couldn't find any towel racks with a similar design so I knocked one together out of some shaker pegs and poplar boards.  Not bad for ~$8 of material.

Hat Peg

Every good hat should have a nice peg to call home.  I'd been using a nail in the wall for the past couple months and reckoned it was time enough to change that.  I used a cutoff from the Gaming Table and a wee shaker peg and treated it all with tung oil after sufficient sanding.  There was a fair bit of discussion about the phrase to use on the board.  I was initially going to use "I'm Not Home" and then it was going to be "I Rolled Out" and somehow we settled on "Rollin' Out" as the most applicable phrase.  Either way I'm quite pleased that the hat can hang without mucking with the curvature of the brim.

With that we're pretty much done with the bulk of the work moving in.  And just in time because tomorrow we're hoping in the car and driving to the next Province over.  The Missus has some relations out that way we haven't visited yet and we'll be there to see the kick off of the Ponoka Stampede (Alberta's big rodeo event).  Should be fun to drive through the Rockies and see a rodeo.  I'll try to tweet some pictures along the way (from those islands of internet along the highway).


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