Friday, February 28, 2020

Where the heck have I been?

There's a rhythm that usually comes with each New Year.  The holiday crunch usually starts in late October or November and then carries through late Dec/early Jan.  Then things usually taper off and I get a chance to recover, maybe work on some side projects or prototypes.  That hasn't happened this year, largely due to a couple of large orders (worth it) and a pretty steady stream of work.  That's not a bad thing per se but I haven't figured out how to balance ~80 hour work weeks with less urgent tasks like keeping up with the blog/social media.  And before I know it it's been three months since I've posted anything. =)

I shipped the last overdue order a couple of days ago and I was looking forward to taking some time off for a long overdue break.  That very day Etsy announced their Offline Ads program.  This isn't the place to get into the weeds on that (there's a great break-down here: but the long and short is that Etsy's decided to add a really high fee for something they were already doing with smaller fees.  And for shops that achieve a certain level of success they can't opt out, whether this service is at all helpful or not.  In essence, it's a naked cash grab against the seller community.  This particular program came out of nowhere but Etsy's been raising its fees for awhile now.  If they choose to prioritize short term profit over the seller community that's their prerogative but just looking at the numbers it's hard to me to see the business sense in staying on their platform.

Not that I'll be closing down or anything either.  It right now it looks like I'll move the shop over to an independent website, probably sometime in late March or April.  But there's a lot to do before I can pull that off so it looks like that break'll have to wait.

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