Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dog Collars

It seems like dog collars are one of those practically requisite leatherworker items that everyone has to make at some point or another.  There was a time, not even that long ago, when just about everything in daily life was made with leather.  Now we have fabrics and "artificial" materials that have replaced leather for a great many items.  Of course, there's still a few items where leather's the top dog of materials.

I'll admit that I got the general notion for the pattern from a google image, and the basic measurement to start with came from an instructable article, but the rest of these were made with just whatever I felt like doing at the time.   Studs aren't something I get to use nearly often enough and I had some fancy, dancy "ironwork" stamps that I wanted to test out.  So badda bing, badda bang.  Now I just outta braid some dog leashes to go with them =)


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