Monday, July 21, 2014

Manual Paper Making Round 3

These seem to be falling into a weekly cycle, entirely by accident.  As it happens, tearing up the paper, mashing it, and forming it into sheets each take about a half hour to an hour.  This block of time just about matchs what I have available while I'm waiting for something (usually glue or stain) to cure so that's generally when I get to work on this.

This last week I took the other half of that junkmail, shredded it and let it soak for a couple days before I did any masticating.  It occurred to me that the classic tool to use for mastication would be a mortar and pestle.  I picked one up easily enough and I played around with using it on the paper this round.  I'm not sure if the results are very clear, but the paper is certainly a better quality.  I'm still waiting for it to dry but so far it seems a good deal more consistent. 

I think this week I'll switch back to using printer paper scraps.  I'm also curious to see if saline might have an effect that water alone doesn't.  Sounds like a pretty good experiment to me.

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