Tuesday, January 26, 2016

PAXSouth 2016, Here We Come!

Since PAXSouth is held in my home town (or the city closest to it anyway) it'd be hard for me to resist it.  I had a lot of fun there last year and this year my wife's coming along so there'll be all the more fun.  By the time this goes up I'll probably be on my way to "ol' San Antone".  Obviously I won't be getting much time in at the workbench this week but I'll be keeping my eye out for good cosplay.  There's some D&D-related panels this year that we're rather interested in seeing so I'm hoping to learn some things along those lines too.

In the meantime, there's a bit of enormous mega-news that I've been sitting on for a week or two.  It's big enough that I'm inclined to save it until after PAX, if only to better focus on the convention-y goodness.  See ya'll in Feburary!

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